“O Lord my God, I cried to You and You have healed me.”
~Psalm 30:2 (Amplified).
One of the perennial questions amongst those seeking to be faithful is: “Will/can I be healed?”
Of course, our Lord has a solitary answer: the emphatic, “Yes!”
There seems to be two broad situations where we desire healing: 1) When we have some ailment beyond our will; and, 2) When we’re afflicted with something that has so far infirmed our will.
Is the Issue Sin or Not? – An Important Question
There are fervent schools of thought for both providential healing and not, and there are many who sit between — able to conjure thought both ways.
The fact is both schools overplay their biases and somewhere in the middle is where God’s truth lies.
The key idea regarding the definitiveness of healing in Jesus’ name is the issue of sin. We all need healing from our sins, despite the matter of many things we’d like healing for that have nothing to do with sin — like congenital health and medical problems or unfathomable losses.
The big differentiation between ‘sin and not’ is our will.
If we have any sense of control over the healing, God is able to quickly achieve his side of the bargain — it’s then up to us. For matters beyond our wills we’re at the beckon call of God alone (and whatever help we can get from the medical and health-care fraternity as well as our coping skills to accept).
Sometimes faith-healers are able to help; some faith-healers literally are miracle workers, working with the Holy Spirit to achieve healings with remarkable consistency.
The Act of ‘Receiving’ Healing
Granted that we’re after healing, and our wills can adjoin with God’s to heal us, we have a great deal of control over the outcome.
The question must always be: “Do I really want to be healed of this?”
Many times, by our actions, we’ll forego the acquisition of healing — the thing that God’s giving us; the healed outcome — for another run around the hellish track of bondage to the sin. We choose to sin again, or, at some later date we backslide into old and inferior practices.
The act of receiving is paramount.
It is the continual state of agreeing with being healed. It’s a continuation of the first agreement we had, or made, with God that we’d do it — in his name.
We see, here, that ‘receiving’ the healing is both a once-off transaction and a continual transformation of us into the New-Life reality that God’s predestined for us to have; an ever-improving metamorphosis toward the likeness of Christ.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
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