“If the ordinary man may not discuss existence, why should he be asked to conduct it?”
~G.K. Chesterton.
The insinuation is just as it is... it is simple. Anyone failing to enquire of their life and its source is not fit to breathe. But the fact is everyone does just about—at some point. The person most likely reading this is one who identifies; they think about it all the time. Otherwise they’d not take a moment to read such words as these.
The philosopher’s quandary takes them well past the above extreme to the opposite side of the spiritual spectrum.
They’re wearied by their constant star-gazing. Their investigations into life commence at the waking moment and even dreams are analysed to the enth degree.
Come Now to Rest
What purpose is there in knowing the wherewithal of life and not finding peace?
The philosopher’s quandary is allayed in the determination of tranquillity at the centre of existence—that is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour. By his stripes we’re healed (Isaiah 53:5). What use is it in being saved if we don’t continually draw upon the healing? We’re neither healed in one foul swoop nor is it only available once.
Healing—the peace that pervades—is the copious portion of the Lord:
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
~Matthew 11:28-30 (NRSV).
Addressing the philosopher’s quandary—the fatiguing over-zealous way—is the yoke of Jesus. Per the yoke that is fitted over the neck of oxen, we too have a load placed over us—the load over our spirits.
Jesus’ yoke is light, and as he ploughs the fields that are our lives, there’s no unnecessarily hard ground that’s prepared for the seed, which is the Word of God and Spirit’s inflection as our hearts discern it. Anything heavy, and devoid of love to get through it, is not from God.
Peace exists in transformation—both via the journey and through to the destination. What is dynamic can have the features of the static (the peace of stillness) as the transformation’s stayed in God.
The philosopher should know that both things are grasped at once: growth ecstatic and peace majestic... but only through God’s real Presence.
Seek God’s double whammy today.
© 2010 S. J. Wickham.
Steve, your writing is fluid & the meaning profound. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.. Life is indeed a quandry/dichotomy to the philosophical mind; the nature of perpetual analysis, versus the peace and quiet from deep spiritual maturity. The daily metamorphosis of the soul unfolds with sometimes gentle, sometimes painful growth.
Thank you for that feedback, and I agree with your thoughts.
God bless you,
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