Accountable to live wisely
Believe in yourself
Credibility is key to reputation: value and nurture it
Diligently work at each life role you have
Encourage others to be their best
Freedom (spiritual freedom) is the prize for right, just and fair living
Gratitude is the key to inner peace
Humility is helping and considering other people
"I love you; I forgive you..." words you should say each day
Justice in life. Recognise, affirm, and protect it
Kindness is the greatest gift you can bestow on anyone, especially those you love
Love like your life depends on it, because it does
Modelling. You are a model. People watch you and learn from you. Do good
New. Life is about second chance. Grace dictates we get numerous second chances
Openness requires courage, especially after being hurt; remain open
Patience in life is essential. Almost all offenses occur due to a lack of patience
Quiet. Listen more than you speak. This is the way of learning and humility
Respect everyone and everything. We're all part of the delicate balance of life
Special. You are special, and so is everyone else!
Trust your loved ones and friends. Trust until your trust is betrayed, and then trust some more.
Understand the flow of life. There are good days and bad
Virtue. The life of virtue is the life committed to the good and eternal value
Wisdom is life's chief goal. Don't miss it. Get wisdom, get understanding
Xtravagance. Live extravagantly, but not materially, spiritually. Bless people abundantly
Y settle for anything less than the preceding?
Zoe is Greek for life. Live life one day at a time; it's God's design
© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Broken by Suffering or Broken Open?
As a writer, I’m continually on a quest to discover wisdom my mind’s heart
has always yearned for. How to describe the juncture and journey of
1 week ago
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