Monday, December 28, 2020

Prayers for a new year after a year like the year that was

This time last year none of us had any idea how tough this year would be.  But even without the pandemic, we do tend to think that each coming year will be better than the last.  If a year goes well, we expect our prospects to be enhanced.  If a year is the worst on record, we hope the year following will be a pleasant relief — more of what we’d find acceptable.

This sort of thinking isn’t really helpful; it doesn’t equip us very well at all for what is inevitably coming.  With that in mind, here’s a prayer inviting a realistic perspective:

Thank you, Father God, that we got through what was a tough year.

Help us to look back at this reflective time of year with gratitude and wonder, especially because You got us through various hard and painful challenges.

Equip us to gain purpose from the challenges that were presented in 2020, seeing that You have ordained life for us, to be an encouragement to others, at such a time as this.

Yes, Lord, endow us with meaning from this year and give us readiness for what’s ahead.

Nourish the spirit of wisdom in us to be able to carefully manage our own resources, especially knowing when and how to say no.  Bless this prayer for longevity, Father.

Give us increased understanding and self-acceptance with our mental health, and capacity for healing this coming year; help us not condemn ourselves when we’re weak and when we fail.

In a year that’s been incredibly tough on relationships, Lord, please furnish us with gentleness, kindness and patience with all those we care about, and every life our lives touch, this coming year.  We’re also praying others will be gentle, kind and patient with us, too.

For the losses that have been endured, help us continue in our recovery and adjustment, and for the losses that will inevitably come this new year, supply us with bravery for the grief we’ll be called to bear.

Give us the capacity and compassion to support those who You will call us to love.  Help us to know when to listen, when to speak, and how to care.  Give us discernment to be IN the person we’re helping, to sense what they need, and to know how to check in with them.

For developments that may shock us in the coming year, prepare us to respond well to whatever development occurs.

For our friends and loved ones, and for all humankind, Lord, protect life as much as possible, be with the scientists, health and hospital workers who work to exhaustion, and give to them what they need, including wise leadership at all levels of society in every country.

Finally, help us to trust You through all the days of this coming year.


Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

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