Saturday, August 3, 2019

Please, God, remind me…

Please, God, remind me…
Of so many things that seem to overwhelm me because I place them first and not you. Remind me of the times, right within the moment itself, when I’m about to respond in fear or jealousy or anger or sadness, just what I’m placing above you, and why I have made that choice. Give me a moment’s reflective humility and insight, such that I would not react, but that I may respond in a way that does no harm and seeks to glorify your purposes.
Of the challenges to my thinking, that I am confined to one way of thought. Help me to see any of your wisdom present in the thinking that seems bizarre to me. Keep within me an open mind and quell my heart of any innate dissonance.
Of the fact that I cannot be everything to all people; of the fact that I am limited by time and experience and skill and passion. Help me to accept, that while I would like to do so many things, and that there are even so many things to be done, that I am limited, yet most powerful for you when I discern what not to do from that which you are calling me to do.
That there are people who see the world differently, just as there are people who find me hard to tolerate, as much as I find some people are hard to tolerate. Remind me of the value of diversity, and that you need many different viewpoints to be considered at once if your ways are to be respected. Help me see when it’s my pride that’s triggered and speak cogently to me in your gentle way to help me to come around. Help me to see that within conflict is an opportunity. Help me, please, to practice what I preach. Remind me again of how much I matter to you, God, and how little it matters that I get my own way.
That there are many confusing things in this life that I will never understand. Help me reach a place of acceptance within the myriad mysteries of life; the whys of racism, sexism, murder, rape, and abuse. Remind me how quickly I react in the wrong ways and keep at the forefront of my mind but there are many things I could say or do that would not help and that may cause significant harm.
That I have a more-or-less constant relationship with guilt and shame and that that is okay, and better still when I’m aware of them and able to healthily enquire of them. Thank you that you made me such an intricate being.
That there are people who I am called to help, who, despite my willingness and skill, I may fail because of my human frailty. Please remind me that their grace is contingent on many things, and that I will not always be forgiven, and that that is okay. Help me to recognise where I go wrong and give me the wherewithal to make amends where I can, and also to accept that I cannot control people or their responses.
Of the need to pray, and to continue to always practice surrendering my pride for the truth. Forgive me for the times I don’t and help me repent of these times. Give me your awareness and then the courage to act against my selfish purposes in seeing the broader, wiser perspective of your purposes.
Remind me, Lord, that while I’m stuck in this bodily life of being human that I will struggle with these issues; that these issues won’t miraculously go away, and that even despite these issues you hold me.
There are many things, Lord, that I need to be reminded of constantly. My desire is that your will would be made known to me and that you would give me the courage to act in accordance with what is right, just and fair.
In Jesus’ name,

Photo by Raj Eiamworakul on Unsplash

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