Thursday, November 9, 2017

Knowing that God, who is good, is good always

This amazing photograph by Felicity Warrington
was snapped on a smartphone.

DEJECTED one day, inspired the next. Has that ever happened to you? It can happen to me with occasional regularity. Certainly, our ‘fortunes’ in the faith tend to vacillate.
As I look at the amazing image above I’m reminded of just how creative and mysterious God is.
From the image:
·        I imagine that God knows what He’s up to, and that I am best accepting ‘He’s got this’.
·        I think that I can trust Him again, because I know He is trustworthy, and it makes no sense nor is it good for me and others I know for me not to trust Him.
·        I feel a sense that not being in control is okay — that life is centrally about that sense that I’m not in control of the big things that could happen anytime.
·        I can then do the things that will please Him, which are faith and justice and kindness and reason, et cetera.
There is no sense to life that leads to death — it’s a bondage that simply requires the choice to stay there. Equally easy is the choice to leave that mindset. Anytime, anywhere God can ‘show up’, which we equate to His goodness toward us in our lives.
Anytime, anywhere.
The opposite is certainly just as true — the bad can happen. But the difference is how we handle it. It’s okay if we’re floored, but with faith we ultimately make the climb of recovery. Recover and then we face hope, and hope leads us until the day His light shines brightly all over our lives again (in ways we feel blessed). Of course, His light shines over us perpetually.
We never know the good that God is up to, yet, we who know He is good can know, with intensifying faith, He is preparing goodness for those of us who love Him.

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