Sunday, November 5, 2017

God is for you and with you in your trial

Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash
UNDER spiritual attack, one of the first things we forget is that God is for us. Our Lord is present and powerful in all circumstances, especially when we’re weak, and that’s because we’re more likely to pray and to lean not on our own understanding when we’re being overpowered. Beware of this too:
Satan loves being ‘credited’ with creative acts, but creation is God’s sole domain.
If God has seen it fit to fit certain tough circumstances to our lives, for our learning, growth and development, the Lord wants us to know He gives us the spiritual wherewithal to get through them.
Indeed, if we’re tested, and we know we’re being tested, there is a holy delight available to us.
Such holy delight is the confident knowledge that God is with us, coaching us, step by tremulous step, in holy obedience through the light and revelation of His Holy Spirit.
Most incredibly, God gives us an extra sense for spiritual reflection as we obey His leading alone through trials. He shows us how we are to evade each snare by walking right through it. And even when we do get ensnared, our Lord shows us a way out, through the wise door of honest humility; a dignity that trusts in the belief we can be resilient.
So, there are the powers of spiritual revelation and spiritual grit that are made constantly available to us. As we will them into creative existence by prayerful petition. Praying only for God’s will in the test, and the power to carry His will out.
God doesn’t look at us the way we look at us. He looks at us and sees His Son. He who endured His own Son’s suffering is there for us in ours.

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