Tuesday, July 15, 2008

World Youth Day Celebrations – The Message

How amazing and unprecedented it is that 150,000 pilgrims from 177 countries have descended on Australia for peace, in adoration for Pope Benedict XVI.
For all followers of Christ, the WYD celebrations currently going off in Sydney are a boon for real-time faith, and the message of hope to the world. Young people are being asked to stand up with text messages from the Pope that read, “Young friend, God and his people expect much from u because u have within you the Fathers supreme gift: the Spirit of Jesus - BXVI.”
Thankfully Cardinal George Pell has preached that following Christ is not easy, but that it is the answer to all pain a human being can suffer. He laid it on the line saying, “(Christian Life) requires struggling against what St Paul calls ‘the flesh,’ our fat relentless egos, old-fashioned selfishness... It is always a battle, even for old people like me... Don't spend your life sitting on the fence, keeping your options open, because only commitments bring fulfilment.”
As the Roman Catholic Church fight the popularisation of the gospel they must continue being responsible dispensers of the true Christian faith of the Jesus’ gospel. For confession, repentance and true reliance on God, and the daily rejection of selfish self, are the true gifts of the Spirit, among a lot more.
WYD is a huge encouragement to millions as we look forward with hope to provide for the future of our planet and the human race. There has never been such hope, yet we also live in times of desperate hopelessness.
The message of Christ, and our opportunity to commit, remains nearly 2,000 years on. We only get God’s full benefit when we really commit 100 percent. It’s up to us to get on board -- the young with the old, to cooperate with God in sustaining the present and providing for our individual and collective futures -- according to his abundant will!
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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