Friday, July 4, 2008

When God Consciousness Becomes a Non-negotiable

Part of my life objective involves the word “focus.” It fits together, and in the middle of: SIMPLIFY-FOCUS-OVERCOME. I find it’s the way I have to try to live my life now. It’s like my life turns out hellishly when I do not sincerely simplify, focus and seek to overcome my difficulties. Difficulties can become mountainous otherwise; but they become pitiful when my focus is cogent. It’s feels like an all-or-nothing journey for me.
My main goal is to become totally God Conscious -- constantly God conscious. Hebrews 12:2 says “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” He’s a straight path toward righteousness, justice and faithfulness. He keeps us loving and faithful even when we’re hurt and don’t feel like it. It is when we let our focus drift from him that we drift right into trouble, uncertainty, and fear.
Life is a destiny of moving off track. It’s our nature to totally wander sometimes. I know when I’m wandering because I become troubled, worried, anxious, fearful. It’s instinct and cause and effect all rolled into one. We see it all around us don’t we? People succumbing to weakness, loss of wellbeing, and even disease, mainly because they try to do it all on their own. We relate to it personally, and we can genuinely say, “Yes, that happens to me too.”
Becoming more God conscious has its upsides and downsides. They don’t tell new Christians this because few people would ever convert or accept Christ if they knew the true price of discipleship -- or if they did, in a weak moment, they’d choose to re-negotiate later; and many of course do this. They break faith. Most of us have and do break faith.
The upside of true discipleship of course is ‘the journey.’ We get to ride a roller coaster of growth and humiliation, success and abject failure. It is both exhilarating and demoralising -- but ultimately, it’s intensely satisfying because we get to know God more. We get to feel like he feels more. The downside occurs when we wander off track; like King David after committing adultery with Bathsheba, we feel God’s Holy Spirit leaves us temporarily. We feel abandoned. The real truth is however, God’s enemy cons us, and the reality is we’re ignoring his Spirit -- he doesn’t leave us; we leave him. That’s why we feel lost, utterly confused, perplexed even. Hebrews 13:5 quotes God as saying, “Never [ever] will I leave you; never [ever] will I [utterly] forsake you.” It’s the truth. Even when we choose to reject God, he never rejects us.
The more God Conscious we become the easier it is to identify the wandering off and to come back to him in a spirit of humility and obedience. In this way, a fuller experience of God consciousness means life without God is never a tangible option. The journey becomes non-negotiable. And praise God for that!
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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