This is not a trick question. Why is it a wise idea to do the right thing in life? The obvious answer is we stay out of trouble; we suffer less pain -- the sort that’s self-incriminating in any event. But that’s not the half of it.
This very plain truth below should put fear of God into perspective.
This very plain truth below should put fear of God into perspective.
“Your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths.” –Proverbs 5:21.
“Your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths.” –Proverbs 5:21.
It’s the fear of the LORD that gives us the protection of wisdom; to go the right path. He knows. And he judges in this life, and in the next.
It’s the fear of the LORD that gives us the protection of wisdom; to go the right path. He knows. And he judges in this life, and in the next.
Set in the context of marital unfaithfulness, this proverb -- even the entire chapter -- cautions us to consider the view of God, who sees all. Nothing is outside his knowledge; our own conscience attests to this fact, and even those without a conscience generally know they’re out of bounds. Okay, the generalisation suits for the present moment. We identify with it. Into the next chapter of Proverbs, King Solomon foretells the present judgment of the wronged husband who “will show no mercy when he takes revenge.” (6:34)
Set in the context of marital unfaithfulness, this proverb -- even the entire chapter -- cautions us to consider the view of God, who sees all. Nothing is outside his knowledge; our own conscience attests to this fact, and even those without a conscience generally know they’re out of bounds. Okay, the generalisation suits for the present moment. We identify with it. Into the next chapter of Proverbs, King Solomon foretells the present judgment of the wronged husband who “will show no mercy when he takes revenge.” (6:34)
Marital unfaithfulness or infidelity is faithlessness and unbelief -- that is the root to the word “infidel,” and we see it portrayed for us in wisdom Scriptures. People of little heart and little resolve fall; they spill their waters in the public streets. For a short time, bliss, then hopelessness! This image faithlessness and unbelief (or a lack of resilience to hold firm) can be extrapolated to any situation. Friends, business, leisure, family. All these could be taken from the person lacking the heart and resolve to do the right thing -- the wise thing -- tragedy in one word. The truth is most times we get away with it...
Marital unfaithfulness or infidelity is faithlessness and unbelief -- that is the root to the word “infidel,” and we see it portrayed for us in wisdom Scriptures. People of little heart and little resolve fall; they spill their waters in the public streets. For a short time, bliss, then hopelessness! This image faithlessness and unbelief (or a lack of resilience to hold firm) can be extrapolated to any situation. Friends, business, leisure, family. All these could be taken from the person lacking the heart and resolve to do the right thing -- the wise thing -- tragedy in one word. The truth is most times we get away with it...
The truth is this: It could be over in the flicker of an eye. Our life could be claimed from us quicker than two twits of a lamb’s tail. Whether we believe in God or not... now hear this... what if all this God-stuff is right after all and you stand to be judged. It won’t be pretty you know. Repent (turn back to God) for the kingdom of heaven is near.
The truth is this: It could be over in the flicker of an eye. Our life could be claimed from us quicker than two twits of a lamb’s tail. Whether we believe in God or not... now hear this... what if all this God-stuff is right after all and you stand to be judged. It won’t be pretty you know. Repent (turn back to God) for the kingdom of heaven is near.
The very best reason to do the right thing however is a very positive one. God’s grace is so great and so rich and so complete, he will vindicate us now and in the life to come. We will feel the peace of his Spirit, right now. And our loved ones benefit richly too.
The very best reason to do the right thing however is a very positive one. God’s grace is so great and so rich and so complete, he will vindicate us now and in the life to come. We will feel the peace of his Spirit, right now. And our loved ones benefit richly too.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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