There’s nothing like the peace of a park bench at the seaside, nothing.
There’s nothing quite like the gently beating breeze as it buffets and soothes the auricles from behind.
There’s nothing quite like the gently beating breeze as it buffets and soothes the auricles from behind.
As I close my eyes and feel the senses enveloped by creation in placid flight, I know peace -- I know my little and satisfying place in the world.
As I close my eyes and feel the senses enveloped by creation in placid flight, I know peace -- I know my little and satisfying place in the world.
I feel the pump in my quads courtesy of a sprinting bicycle ride; the beating of my heart and the release of endorphins attests -- I am free!
I feel the pump in my quads courtesy of a sprinting bicycle ride; the beating of my heart and the release of endorphins attests -- I am free!
The white noise of the waves dancing with each other and virtual stillness of the landscape juxtapose.
The white noise of the waves dancing with each other and virtual stillness of the landscape juxtapose.
The birds, many varieties, sweep nonchalantly through the air, interacting with their environment completely unaware of the pleasure they give me.
The birds, many varieties, sweep nonchalantly through the air, interacting with their environment completely unaware of the pleasure they give me.
As I sit for a moment at this bench I know beauty. It is what I feel, it is there right this moment. Grab it... no I can’t. It’s not there to be kept.
As I sit for a moment at this bench I know beauty. It is what I feel, it is there right this moment. Grab it... no I can’t. It’s not there to be kept.
Taking it all in; allowing life to happen; peace sweeping over my being. I am be-ing.
Taking it all in; allowing life to happen; peace sweeping over my being. I am be-ing.
The peace of be-ing is God’s treasure and gift to me... to you too. It’s there for the taking. What an amazing experience life can be. It can be breathtaking and I suggest it is the most breathtaking when you consider it alone... when you’re all alone with only your senses, wow.
The peace of be-ing is God’s treasure and gift to me... to you too. It’s there for the taking. What an amazing experience life can be. It can be breathtaking and I suggest it is the most breathtaking when you consider it alone... when you’re all alone with only your senses, wow.
Life and all there is to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in creation. How could this place not have been created by an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God? Why is the created world more interesting that the human-made world? How is that the white noise of waves is infinitely more peaceful than the ‘white noise’ of traffic?
Life and all there is to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in creation. How could this place not have been created by an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God? Why is the created world more interesting that the human-made world? How is that the white noise of waves is infinitely more peaceful than the ‘white noise’ of traffic?
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Copyright © 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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