“O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
“For from him and through him and to him are all things.”
~Romans 11:33, 36a (NRSV).
We cannot ‘track’ God. That task — to extract the divine nature — is forever beyond us. Second-guessing the judgments of God, then, is folly. Because all have sinned — and are rendered “disobedient” (verse 32) — then all have the same destiny to look forward to, with possibility, subject to their earthly allegiance.
Still, there will be vast ranks and poles created for views one way and all others.
Still, again, God holds the key!
We accept Jesus because he is our Saviour. Not “was,” “is.” Is, and always will be.
Reflecting over the pre-reformation rage, Luther causing a stir over Papal (of-the-time) abuses related to relics, indulgences and supposed reduced time of purgatory — the fact Luther was called a heretic; later apparently found not — holds us open to all manner of possibilities with God.
Like Luther was, we’re to be curious; never set in our views, certainly so far as the judgments of God are concerned.
The Apostle Paul, himself, cannot reconcile the mind of God.
This is what makes grace easy for us to extend; it’s the only worthy response toward fellow sinners.
Grace and an unfathomable God; both are beyond us, but both should cause unending praise to bubble up from within.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
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