Friday, September 3, 2021

A vision for faith that encourages and strengthens

The morning after a night where I battled for insight, I was encouraged tremendously by anointed words from Diane Langberg, PhD.

Langberg’s 50-year ministry as a Christian psychologist specialising in genocidal and trauma therapies, and systems of abuse sets her voice apart globally.  It’s her vision of the Kingdom that I find most salient.

Diane’s words are below.  May they bless you and encourage you as we make God known in our ministries.

Here they are:

“The word for minister in the New Testament means under-rower – a galley slave on a warship who does not obey wind or weather or waves but rows ever and always according to the instructions of the captain.

“When each under-rower lives fully under the authority of that captain then that ship can survive battles, storms and weariness as they row together under the command of one.

“May we, the body of Christ today, be known for our devotion, our love and obedience to Christ – under-rowers whose service is never dictated by current ideas, or groups, or causes – but within those spheres we are first and foremost devoted to the Crucified Christ.”

For me, the term ‘under-rower’ is a fresh concept.  It reminded me of a biblical concept of discipleship.  The concept of not falling foul to wind or weather or waves was an astounding, empowering encouragement, reminiscent of James 1:6-8.

Langberg also presents the image of a church united in Christ (under the command of one) in countering the ‘battles, storms and weariness’ that encumber us all personally, yet also corporately, and at a Kingdom level when the churches endeavour to attempt great things for God.

The concept of not being subject to ‘current’ ideas/groups/causes – the issues that can seem to divide us and dilute the work at times – but being subject to the Crucified Christ within those very spheres seems just as important now as ever.  It’s not saying that the current ideas, groups and causes are unimportant – everything needs its proper perspective.

I know as I reflect, having been burdened by a higher than optimal workload of recent, and the loss of a good friend after a long battle with cancer, amid the normal stresses of life, these words spoke hope and life into my spirit in the present season.

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