Sunday, March 29, 2020

A prayer for one overwhelmed this minute by spiritual attack

Oh God
There is a wail sent forth to You today.  A bellow is heard only in the heavens tonight.  Only You hear it.  Only You can help.  And only You understand.  You see the situation and You know the depth and breadth of it, and though You are reaching out, You are not quite getting through right now, Lord.  This is a prayer of intercession.
Your precious one is in the perilous wilderness of self, and they feel completely separated from Your loving, comforting, reassuring, safe presence.  Their cry is loud within, but it is silenced by the terrors.
They’re in a state of sheer desperation right now, Provider God, and whilst Your angels attend, Your prized one is at their wits end in the battle; an attack that is comprehensive on all sides and overwhelming through and through.  Intercede for this one, saints!  Though this dear one falters, they’re cannot be allowed to fall.
The overwhelming sense of sorrow within this one right now is equalled in their mind only by the full force of Heaven, so please show them, O Comforter, the lie that the enemy has sown.
Censure the horrendous thoughts that are coursing through their mind, Prince of Peace, and still their flailing heart.  Arrest the attempt of the enemy to end their quest.  Render assistance Mighty God, that this one would prevail through this arduous test.
Remind this precious one of Your seal upon their life.  That You have said: “I love you as much as I love anyone who has ever lived, lives now or will ever live, you are precious to Me, you are safe, and you are mine.”
Reassure them of their salvation — that You saved them from the pit and that You avenge them from that place even in the now.  Even as it appears to them impossible, repeat to them that with You all things are possible.
Reclaim for them Your holy vision of that specific and unique purpose You have given to them, and only to them, and that, whilst You don’t need anyone, You do have plans for their life that only they can fulfil.
Remind them afresh that they have a special purpose that activates at THIS troubled time.
Restore to them the assets of their spiritual confidence, so that they may step forth from here, from debilitation to mobilisation, covered by the grace of the power of Your protection.
Retell to this precious servant of Yours their deeds of obedience of present and past and reveal to them afresh the evidences of their transformation — that fruit that has been displayed through their life toward the blessing of others.
Give to them a most heavenly reset, good and gracious Father.
In Jesus’ sovereign, and mighty yet gentle name
Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

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