Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The dynamics of spiritual attack in narcissistic abuse

Beyond the labels, the intentional exercise of power that generates spiritual abuse—an attack on one’s psychological being—is narcissistic abuse.
What happens when we encounter a form of mind control that oppresses our psychological being?  We face what is intended to become, and usually does become, a spiritual attack.
Spiritual Abuse, in Conflict, Confirmed by Spiritual Attack
Narcissistic abuse is both prevalent and subtle.  Many people who have experienced it may have no idea it’s even happened to them.  Once we see it, however, especially as it manifests in abuse against ourselves, we cannot unsee it anymore.  We’re not likely to notice it occurring to others unless we have first faced (and seen and tasted) it ourselves.
The most twisted of abuse pits the victim’s loved ones against them as the enemy, as the narcissist pulls the strings in an effort to destroy an otherwise functional family, usually because of an outrageously seething jealousy.  The victim usually doesn’t see it until it’s too late.
We may see it through a bout of spiritual attack brought about by conflict.
The narcissistic abuser may be expressly overt, not hiding their malevolent intent as they sneer.  They may also be covert in both intent and expression.  The latter are a bigger concern, though the former is scarier.  How much worse could it be to be gaslit in the presence of a smiling assassin?  Well, possibly the angry blaming type!  Either way...
The covert variety of narcissist plays by a spirit of confusion.
Their game is to keep their prey on the hop.
They come out to ‘play’ in conflict.
They take no responsibility, ever.
Now, the only check we might make is to ensure we’re not denying the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
But we may well be encouraged to know that if we’re already Spirit-sensitive—in other words, we regularly demonstrate the fruit of repentance—God is already with us and for us.
Indeed, God may give us the sense of being attacked as divine confirmation through discernment that we’re under the attack of abuse.
The Personification of Spiritual Attack
This is the personalised experience of the denigration of our soul.  It is usually founded upon, but not limited to, the white anting of our identity.  It is usually as insidious to most people as it is toxic.  The damage caused and created is systemic, encompassing our entire being.  Little wonder such attacks are felt physically, mentally and emotionally.
The dynamics of narcissistic abuse that cause spiritual attack can result in desperation of being, panic attacks, and existential despondency, to name just three.
Wherever the attacks are absorbed into us, and we take on the weight of those accusations (and we may call them accusations, because they come from the enemy, Satan), the eventual result is a plummeting, and there’s only one destination the enemy has in mind for anyone trying to do God’s work—the abyss.
The abyss is that place, like hell, where there’s nothing; no hope, no direction, no purpose, and definitely no love.  We can know we’re under spiritual attack when, in the moment, we are completely devoid of hope, direction, purpose, and love.
Where there’s no hope, no direction, no purpose, and no love, we are in the forlorn land of the absence of God—as a spiritual experience.  Dimensionally, this is a dark place and a dark time.  Anyone who knows God can experience this.
Even though the truth of the matter is that God is ever-present, we cannot experience God’s Presence.  Effectively, for the moments we endure spiritual attack, God is out of reach.
Agent of the Enemy
Let’s not forget, that in this context, it is because of human hands, human words and human actions that we face this crisis of spirit and faith.  But we know, biblically, that we do not war with flesh and blood.  It’s in the spirit realm that the cudgel of war originates, and it’s in the spirit realm that we are attacked.
The propagator of attack is someone who will use malevolent means to bring us undone.  They who are not for us are against us.  And we need to be particularly aware of those who say they love us when our spirit within detects the opposite motive.
We can know with some certainty that the experience of spiritual attack within conflict is a direct sign of narcissistic abuse.  And sometimes this spiritual attack is unknowingly deflected onto others who would assist the victim so the narcissist can be enabled.
Bear in mind that the presence of spiritual attack in conflict can be a sign of narcissistic abuse.

Photo by Michael Mouritz on Unsplash

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