Saturday, September 21, 2019

Prayer in the darkest hour of spiritual attack

God, my God,
There is a stirring in my heart right now of momentous proportions. It gathers up on the gait of a spirit that does not come from You. It rises up against You, Lord, yet You alone are the eternal victor. I cast this truth before the enemy, and the hiss is telling, and yet this accuser of souls cannot stand. It flees to the darker reaches inward and beckons against its own resistance. It is confused and overwhelmed when I speak in the fullness of confidence that comes from You.
There is a one, perhaps a myriad, right now, fighting contempt of spirit, reeling against the critical spirit, being stonewalled into silence, and in the mode of innocence amid attack. Your angels gather as they do in the eternal realm, all at Your behest for the one writhing in lonely spiritual torment. Legions.
Against the darker forces in the spiritual realm these legions fight for the peace of a blissfully unaware humanity. Right now, Lord, make it that the one under a barrage of darkness would know a hint of this protection.
Lord, Your servant is overwhelmed right now; the man, the woman, the child. Their emotions carry them off into forsaken areas where the mind ought not go, and the heart is ever vulnerable. Carry Your protection to these nether regions. Garner within each of them the resolve that conquers and overcomes amid their sorrowful sojourn.
As they read this prayer, Lord, have them believe that, “Wow,” they were led right here. Not that this is any special prayer; but it is their prayer! That, as they sojourn in a circumstance of spirit that does not bear it well, they might be encouraged that they haven’t been destroyed yet, and that ‘yet’ isn’t happening anytime soon, so help them, God!
Even as that darkest of hours descends over this precious one who reads this prayer, may they be quickened in the spirit of their inner being, and may they be given the light that they ask for; that spiritual fortitude that refuses to be beaten.
Not alone, not unforgiven, not beyond God’s reach at the right time, not beyond hope.
I pray these things in the wonderful and awesome name of Jesus, of whom against the enemy cannot stand,
Photo by Farid Askerov on Unsplash

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