Monday, April 8, 2019

A Prayer for the Person in Pain

My Heavenly Lord, through eternity and over the earth by Your Spirit,
I bow before You and acknowledge just how mighty You are; all-powerful God.
I bring before Your Throne of Grace this moment, the moment the praying person prays, the exact moment they read this prayer, the person in pain — be it physical pain, emotional pain, mental torment, grief for loss, and spiritual pain.
I bring the person who is beside themselves with crises of identity, the one racked with guilt, the one so ashamed of their past, the past You’ve forgiven, Lord, and the person who has been so bitterly betrayed. The person in contortions of emotional pain. And the person who is thinking of ending it all. Come to them with Your compassionate voice, Lord. Give them reason to exist another day.
Your creations are dear to You, O my God. They are so very dear. You love them. So very much. Your heart grieves for the grieving person’s heart more than we could ever know. You are by them, with them, present, abiding. Let them know You are there, Lord. You are not some distant fantasy God. You are the Lord Jesus who died on a cross to redeem us to Yourself, the One who beat death through Your resurrection, and You never did die again! You ascended as the Scripture attests. We know that our Redeemer lives.
So, we ask for that Your life be given to the person we know, the one in so much beleaguering pain, that they might be granted a sweet compensation for what they’re called to endure. That You might gift them with Your Presence in a way they can know You are real, that You are concerned, and that You have a plan for their life.
Give them the assurance of Your support and love, even as a person cares for them who seems to be the incarnated Christ themselves, by their devotion of love in doing all that’s required, and then some!
Covenant Father, it is Your grace that we seek for this dear one we’re so concerned about. They lay there not able to move, they face excruciating pain, they cannot leave their home, their confidence is shot, they have a spiritual crisis on their hands, they are under attack — whatever is their ailment, Lord, come and heal. Do what we cannot do, but if you don’t, help us do what we can do, and for us all to be satisfied.
Help us with every genuine, Spirit-led compassion, to feel within them what we can deploy as care.
I pray this by the blood of the crucified Lamb, our Saviour and Lord, the One who has all power and all dominion — the King of creation, sanctification and restoration: Jesus.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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