Thursday, March 28, 2019

Build Faithfulness and Justice Will Come

When God delivers the reality of a vision given years ago, and it’s today, it’s a day indeed!
We never can see how the Lord does what is done, how it is being done, or why it was done in the way it was done, but the fact it was done reminds us that our God is alive!
Only God can orchestrate the things God does. Our Lord does these things in these ways because our Lord wants us to know it not of human doing; it’s of unimaginable God doing.
All God asks, having given us the vision, the metaphor, the word, the dream, is that we build what the Lord requires as the scaffold, prepared for this work of divine doing.
Build the backdrop and God will provide the pantomime. The drama cannot take place without the set being in place, just as a beautiful portrait looks flat without the depth of field perspective to bring it to life.
Build your character and God will bring the test. When God brings the test, God knows you have what you need to pass the test, and so do you, as you apply your humble courage, and then toast victory, but never as a boast. Unless it’s to boast about God’s incomprehensibility.
You built in faith and trust and that faith and trust is repaid in an opportunity, which, until you get it, you have no idea about. When God makes it known to you that your justice has come, God alone will be glorified through it.
Build it and it will come. Prepare for the day, and though it could take years, the day will come. It has been promised and so it will come to pass. Trust the one who is wholly trustworthy. Not one word uttered by the Lord comes back void.
Build a structure of faithfulness
and God’s justice will furnish it.
And when you’ve built what God asked you to build and you’ve built it faithfully, and you’re waiting patiently, be careful not to lose patience or let your faith falter, though it will. It will because the the vision takes years to unfold. Don’t lose heart in your losing heart. God is surely bringing justice to you. God is bringing justice out of every situation where we build what the Lord has asked us to build.
God is faithful and just and will complete the work that the Lord alone started. Build it and it — whatever was destined from long ago — will come.

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

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