Tuesday, January 29, 2019

One occasion you’re supposed to be unkind

Don’t be scammed. We’ve all heard it. It seems we’ve all heard it. Until it is, we are scammed. And it can occur in so many ways, especially in the modern online environment. As I listened to a radio program talking about case studies recently, I lamented how a woman ‘gave’ away $30,000 and didn’t even start to become suspicious until several days afterward.
There are many who want to talk to us today, from those who patrol the malls spinning their wares, to Jehovah’s Witnesses, to out-an-out crafty, stealth like narcissists who operate under the cover of some sort of darkness to inflict fear on the vulnerable. These are especially the lonely, the gullible, the elderly — your parents and mine.
We must be more suspicious.
We must stop trusting every soul because it’s our Christian duty.
We must start to see that if something seems too good to be true — airline tickets for free!! — then it will be 100% too good to be true.
If you receive a call from anyone you do not know, especially if they’re very nice, be suspicious.
If anyone tries to threaten you, especially if it’s anonymously over email or text, be suspicious.
Don’t be intimidated. Hang up. Close the email. Do not respond. Refer it to some wise others, especially those who are naturally suspicious.
Don’t forget, we’re at the brutal mercy of many in this world who have no interest in you or me, who have no mercy, and the only response we ought to give those who could be trying it on is to end the conversation pronto.
Do not feel guilty if you need to hang up. You do not need to even tell them that you’re doing it. They will try to talk you around. If they call back and keep on calling, then you know they’re malicious. Be suspicious of those who are so charming butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths.
You do not need to say anything. Just hit end on the call. Hang up. Delete the email. After you’ve taken a screen dump of it. Report it if you have time. Make it a practice to watch out for all those who are in your sphere of influence, especially the vulnerable ones. Remind people often of how easy it is to be hacked, scammed, conned.
And finally, if you are scammed, let someone who loves you know. Don’t be too ashamed. It can happen to any of us.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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