Thursday, May 5, 2016

Have I God’s Call On My Life?

CALLED.  It’s what Christians call it when their life changes from dark to day — when God switches the light of purpose on in their heart — to serve Him and Him alone.  ‘Called’ is what happens when God makes that impression on a Christian’s heart.  When this happens, and only person by person can each know, God cannot be refused!
It is the greatest day when this occurs; when God makes something plain upon our consciousness.  Somehow nothing’s ever been plainer.  We know our purpose.  Life is no longer about our own life, and it is fully about Him and making Him known.
We’re called when we come to be known in how we’re known in Him.  To be called is to be known.  And when we’re known in Him, we’re no longer unknown to ourselves.
The day of calling is a day when friends and kin may initially disagree, yet answering the call of God never happens without the firm encouragement of wise advisors in the faith.
You are ready to reveal God to others when you have relinquished the ‘right’ of self-rule from within.
And that’s a tricky task.  Never have we done that with perfect effect.  We cannot.  But God can remove from us that rebelliousness of heart, and the sign that’s occurred is the fruit of His Spirit in our lives.  Only God can do it.  And He can only do it when we’ve given up all designs of self-rule — when we look honestly at our idolatry, daily, and give it away each day, afresh.  Then, we know we’re called. 
Everyone who is called is chosen, and everyone chosen knows that all they may now do is serve the Lord.
What a great day it is when we make upon ourselves such a momentous discovery.
A Christian’s life is not an avoidant sell out for heaven one day, but a quest of advocacy sowing into God’s heaven here on earth today.
© 2016 Steve Wickham.

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