Sunday, May 29, 2016

God’s Presence With You, No Matter What You Face

Joseph spent a full thirteen years developing in character.  From age 17 to about 30 he faced hardship after temptation after persecution after tumult.  Like Job after him, by the time God used his life with great power, he had learned the humility that believes: “God is with me no matter what I face, and, that facing what I face like I can proves God is with me, and actually, nothing else matters.”
Whether in squander or want, whether we rejoice or weep, no matter the circumstance, God’s Presence makes the difference, in what we face.
God’s Presence reminds us, any time we wish His reassurance, we’re never alone in facing what’s overwhelming, all-consuming, or seemingly impossible.
God’s Presence is what we experience when all is not okay, but we respond as if all is okay.  Somehow we should react differently, but God’s Presence blesses us with poise when we’d otherwise fall apart.
God’s Presence is shown in and through us via our courageous response.
Sooner or later God’s Spirit brings us to this realisation: we will serve Him no matter the cost and consequences, even if and when, in serving Him, it seems His Presence is far off.
That is where God wants everyone.  It’s a place of impregnable commitment.  We may not feel unassailable, but our commitment that is easily spoken is backed up by our behaviour, and we find our lives bellow Joshua 24:15 — “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
No matter what you face, no matter how hard, trust God’s Presence, and His face will shine for you, no matter what.
© 2016 Steve Wickham.

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