was as He reclined at the table with them that He took the bread, blessed and
broke it, and gave
it to them. Then their
eyes were opened, and
they recognized Him, but He disappeared from their sight.
Luke 24:30-31
He had walked the road to Emmaus with them, and unbeknownst to
them, He was their Saviour. As they
walked with Him, He opened up the Scriptures from within His own heart, and, as
He read to them from His memory about Himself, their hearts were aflame — but
the eyes of the risen Jesus’ travelling companions only opened when He had
vanished, having broken bread with them that third evening in that Village.
The risen Saviour was unrecognisable. Nobody knew who He was until He chose to be
revealed to them. That was His purpose.
He walks today, because He is risen to life, and He walks in and
amongst life, and most of us most of the time don’t have any idea.
He walks with you, and He talks with you, if you recognise His
voice. He walks in Spirit by the truth
of His Word. And He walks with humanity
until the very end of the Age.
And yet He is not recognised, even in the midst of believer’s
lives. We are still too late to know His
mark on our living situations. Only in
hindsight do we see His faithfulness.
None of us are better positioned to see our risen Saviour than
His own disciples were, and they were basically clueless, unless from the
vantage point of retrospect. This is the
way God works.
Our opportunity is to live as He lives.
If we will live as He lives, we will promise to live a secret
life. We will be incognito.
We will promise to live ordinary lives, to be happily humble, and
to live our lives in extraordinary ways.
To bless people privately, and sometimes without them finding out. Jesus sees.
To imagine how difficult life is for a person or people, and to somehow
relieve a burden, however small a relief is possible. Jesus smiles.
To live unfussed lives. Jesus
applauds. To quit publically complaining
and begin privately praising. Jesus
hears. To fill our minds with the
hardships of the faithful, and to expunge from our hearts every selfish
wickedness without sweating it. Jesus
heals. To judge others less and be
extravagantly merciful. Jesus’ pleased. To forgive everyday transgressions and to forget
long held grievances. Jesus
restores. To live worthy lives secretly. Jesus blesses.
He is risen. And there is
nothing better than that. He is alive all
the more in our secret life.
© 2016 Steve Wickham.
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