Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Vanity, My Impudence, His Victory, His Grace

BORN again to new possibilities, I have to confess, my regenerate life too often resembles something from the History Channel.
Truth I’m committed to — being in Christ — yet my truth is all too stark much of the time.  Too much I’m a failure and frail and at fault.  Yet, there’s a more important and more prevalent truth: my failures, frailties and faults are covered by Christ’s cross — I’m no longer condemned for being who I am.  And the wonder of the gospel is, it’s grace that paves the way for me to be honest, yet to not feel condemned, and to be able to be honest before others, in repenting of things that fall short of God’s glory.
I do wrong, and that’s somehow okay, because I’m trying and I’m being honest.
I don’t know about you, but I need to repent every single day.
I’m vain, and I fall for things of vanity, and I’m so weathered by it all, yet there is victory for me, because of what Jesus has done.  I can’t get my head around it.  I’m impudent, yet His grace abounds upon my repenting.
I fall short so often and so badly, never seeming to learn some lessons.  And still God forgives me, and picks me up limp from the floor.
When all’s said and done, my prayer for myself remains the same:
Father, help me prefer Your righteousness.  Help me debunk those times when I think I’m right — when I blindly or stubbornly sin, whether I’m ‘right’ or not.  Make me aware.  Then help me with my guilt, as You always do.   Help me to love and not hurt others.  Help me onward the journey to humility, for I’m so far from that cherished of destinations.  Help me experience Your graciousness, by remembering the cross, so You may restore me to the victory You’ve already won in Christ.  And I thank You that You’ve redeemed me, and everyone else who calls Christ, God.  It’s in Jesus’ name I live and pray, AMEN.
© 2016 Steve Wickham.

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