Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Prayer for the Healing Powers of Repentance

DEAR GOD of my creation,
Here is a prayer for Your worship, for my humility, to express my penitent joys, and to meet the desires of your Being; You’re the grace of infinite pardons, but You don’t leave me where I’m at.
You, who surrounds me with life and love, who enters life with me, who doesn’t ever leave me nor forsake me; I am in awe of who You are and for what You’ve done.  You’re worthy of the highest imagined and manifold praise on the scaffold of Truth.
Before You, O God, I suffer the indignity of being without my peace, because again I have not trusted You more completely than I should.  I confess not simply my sin; I also confess my need of You; that in my turning back toward You, that You’d make me warrant the blessings I so often in life receive.
From a time of adoration comes a time of thanksgiving, and today, Lord, I give You my hope, in the unadorned thanks of a Prodigal who comes home sheepishly, yet is met warmly.  Ever more am I to be thankful, especially when I’m so involved in life that I add a sense of entitlement to it that ought always to be swiftfully repented of.
Be mine as I’m Yours, too, Lord.  Complete me as You protect me.  Purge me of my fearful ways, and help me accept that I am, ever and always, where I should be.  Give me the grace to deal with what troubles me.  Now that I’m grateful, help me to stay that way.  Help me understand the beauty in every experience.  And help me to know Your teaching, and the appropriateness for my time in the lessons set before me.
I believe in the Power and in the name of Jesus.
It’s in His name I pray,

© 2016 Steve Wickham.

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