Monday, October 12, 2015

Words and Prayers of Comfort for Today

THERE are times and seasons where life is terrible, lamentable, unbelievably painful; tragic beyond previous experience. Times and seasons where we’re learning the sheer cavernous depths of seeming death in life. Times and seasons where a life ending precedes a life beginning. Times, prior to, ‘when life can begin again’.
There is a sanctity in the pain if we take the Lord there with us. Fondly we’ll reminisce over such times; but that is destined locale for a time months or years away. Let it come without pining for it. But let us be empathic in the pining.
A personal prayer for the person whose prayer needs to be heard and answered:
Allow me to be comforted by your prophets, your apostles, your Job, and your David. Show me in the pain of those biblical exemplars that I am, indeed, in esteemed company.
Help me to know your Presence by feeling you present there with me, as I bear these trials of helplessness, hopelessness, travail, and despair.
Revive me the day after my despairing.
Breathe your Holy Spirit through me, afresh, from within my inner being. Make hope rise inside me. Protect me from further attacks of the enemy.
And make me to hope upon your deliverance — that soon, someday very soon, I would overcome this grief. Help me a little more with each passing day to accept the realities that face me. Help me to face these realities with your grace empowering my patient, enduring response. Help me to be still in this crisis.
There are many circumstances of life that can floor us. The gentle and therapeutic Presence of our Majesty-on-High is inside us as believers. That sweet therapy of his Presence is constantly available. We must be God-conscious, which is a consciousness of belief that he, Father-Son-Spirit, is with us, indelibly and with Spiritual reality, helping.
The comfort of him who comforts us is comfort enough for the moment. And for each moment, hence, faith is in resting in the comfort of the Comforter.
Comfort means “with strength,” or to strengthen, support or console. The Holy Spirit, as Comforter, breathes life to strengthen us through consolation — meeting us wherever we’re at. We cannot lose even in this loss.
Comfort is safety and a no-lose situation. We get what we need when we need comfort, knowing that getting comfort from God is what we need.
God knows the needs of our moment, and our moments are helped when we accept he will meet our needs.
A personal prayer for the person whose prayer needs to be heard and answered:
Oh Lord, comfort me.
Bring about your sweetest understanding ear, your warmest delight in me, and your cosiest hug. Meet me. Warm me from the inside out. Make these things I pray for, real in me, this moment.
In Jesus’ compassionate name, I pray, Amen.
One day soon hope will return, and, without effort, joy and peace will prevail. And love will again be foundational upon our hearts, where fear, again, finds no place.
One day, soon. Tomorrow, even perhaps today.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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