Thursday, October 15, 2015

Meditating in the Living, Breathing, Walking Flow of Life

INCORPORATING the Word of God, and the Presence of the Holy Spirit, into the living of our lives: taking a word, a line, a sentence, a verse, or even a passage of text, and building it into our daily life.
That’s what this is about: drawing the eternal Word into the experience of our lives.
… And that experience is the Presence, being with us, us God-conscious, living real.
As we blend a sunrise or a sunset with God’s divine narrative, or consider a cooling breeze in the shade on a hot summer’s day with the grief imparted from loss, God speaks. God enters the truth with us, and we receive by listening. God is sensed real. Experience is ever pertinent.
By our experience of reality, with his Word listed on our hearts, we live existentially in the rawness of life, which commands the reformation of our character; grow or die.
Meditation is to be our existential mood. A prayerful kind of God-consciousness, meditation in the living, breathing, walking flow of life is the reflexive space within reflection that we all need. By reflexive space, I mean self-reflection as we observe ourselves as others or God might (through his Word), but not in a harmfully judgmental sort of way. We’re after unique insights that only God can elucidate. Our Lord never speaks in a condemning way; only for our learning.
Even in the busy swarm of life there are moments of surreal silence, where a loneliness is ever real, even where life is noisy and chaotic. This is why a living, breathing, walking form of meditation is the crucial stratagem for adding God into our emptier life spaces so otherwise fearful stimuli may be removed. When we have a moment’s respite it’s easier, actually, to enter into a heart space with God than wallow in our darkness. We all have a darkness that we’re tempted to go into.
The living, breathing, walking meditation considers how bizarre life is; it wrestles with the cogency of reality without fighting it. What is may be accepted. A Word of hope is introduced or conjured up from a previous reading. Or, there’s a Word carried in our heart. We learn early on, as we bring a cognisance of God with us into and through our daily moments, that we’re free to conjoin meditation with our moments.
Here are some of the ways that I’ve been able to bring God-consciousness to bear in my living, breathing, walking moments:
Ø Out in nature, on transport, in a new environment, or when imagining other parts of the world, I ponder the wonder in the plainly observable. Pondering wondrous things elicits praise. Nothing of us is in the way.
Ø Downtime is key reflection time for me. I try to think creatively. Even times in the bathroom can be put to good use.
Ø When we’re able to disappear from life in the world for a short time we’re in prime location for a Spirit encounter (and may they be plural!).
Ø Times of exposure, where there’s the flicker of embarrassment, or when the emotions are piqued, I ask God mindfully to still my heart before responding. Reflective space, where God makes himself real in our experience, can be found even at times of great pressure.
Ø I try to see what I do not readily see. “Lord, show me what I’m missing.”
Ø When my responses are intuitively graceful I know they’ve not come from the unhealed hurt me that dwells in me. I’m reminded these responses are from the Source of grace, himself.
Ø Reading my Bible, I seek direction on where to look and what to look for, and I try not to be swayed too much by human logic.
Engaging momentarily in meditative reflection enhances our experience of the Presence of God.
Meditating was made for the unclaimed moment. Accept those moments. Create those moments. Fill those moments with God.
Take a Word into your moments to make your moments worthwhile.
A Word is a caption of God-life for overwhelming perspective.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.
I have written this article for use on Mustard Seed Associates’ Godspace.

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