Friday, September 25, 2015

Jesus – Home, Help and Hope of Compassion

JOURNEYS from wilderness to road to town to city — Jesus saw the plight of a people who were like sheep without a shepherd. Their priests had deserted their service of the people. Their prophets had denounced, for centuries, those who had a responsibility of care; those who had long proved derelict of duty. And finally, then, the Son of God came: Jesus :— the hands, feet, eyes, ears, heart, shoulder, and voice of compassion.
Jesus, God’s Incarnate Son, had compassion on God’s people. All people were God’s people, yet those who most needed the compassion of those who could and should have cared were left most vulnerable. “Harassed and helpless” the people were. Those in power had defaulted on their anointed and appointed role.
Anywhere the people are harassed and helpless — at any time — God’s leaders may be, again, derelict in their duty. But there are many times when people are just harassed by the demands of life and helpless against the ferocity of their reality.
Jesus knows. Jesus understands. The compassion of Jesus weeps for the struggles we find impossible to reconcile. The Son of God has hands that bring his heavenly, eternal, and healing touch. Our Lord of Glory is fleet of foot and his feet never tire. His eyes roam constantly over the earth; they see everything, and nothing — absolutely nothing — does he fail to see. Our Saviour hears the cries of our hearts and his heart feels with a depth of compassion we could never approach. He is our Priest who bears our load over his shoulder that is strong for our every burden. And by his Holy Spirit he speaks of resurrection, even out of the depths of defeat we’re exposed to. Jesus’ compassion is a home for the restless, help for the vulnerable, and hope for the weary.
Jesus’ hands are compassionate. He touches people’s hurts and heals them.
Jesus’ feet are compassionate. He ventures far and wide to come close to us.
Jesus’ eyes are compassionate. He sees our injustices and weeps for the exploited.
Jesus’ ears are compassionate. He listens to and hears the vulnerability in our soul.
Jesus’ heart is compassionate. He understands our lack and promises his care.
Jesus’ shoulder is compassionate. He is our shoulder to lean on when life is hardest.
Jesus is the voice of compassion. He speaks of resurrection through his Spirit.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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