DEATH, the final
reconciler of a life lived either for or against God.
The fact of
death separates us out from divinity, eternal. We have nothing that compares
nor comprehends the fact that we will die; we will all die. We will pass from
this life. Even if we didn’t believe in eternity, heaven or the afterlife, we
must surely agree that this life is fleeting — it comes and then it goes, as if
a candle’s flame whisked away by the wind.
Consider this
poem, drawn, in some part, from Psalms 14 and 53:
The fool says “There is no God,”
They do wickedness and fear no rod,
Yet their ailing bones find it true,
Like we all find; their lives they rue.
Life after life is the end of life’s show,
When we have no say over where we go,
The very fact of death proves the Lord,
To refuse God is
something we cannot afford.
We have no say
over the time and way of our deaths, yet there is a force postulated that
possibly knows already all those facts and more.
We might have a
great deal to say about what we think, say and do beforehand, but there is a
day coming where all that will end.
Death is the
final answer to the atheist. No longer will life be an instrument of rebellion
against God. At death everything is at conjecture. Nothing can be expected.
Death is both certain and uncertain: it will certainly happen, ending our ‘control’
over this life; and, it is absolutely uncertain, in that what happens then is
totally unpredictable.
Who would be the
fool to discount the existence of God given they, like all of us, are destined
for such a certain uncertainty? Of course, we Christians believe upon
Scripture, and we believe in something glorious, which actually gives our lives
purpose and meaning in this life, and a transcendent hope for the next.
The fact of
death is an eventuality. We live. We die.
Death is
something of a proof for God, and our need of such an eternal Lord.
To the atheist: Because
death is absolutely certain and the nature of life after death is absolutely uncertain
it pays, at the least, to keep an open mind. Could your inevitable death be the
one indicator you need to acknowledge?
Our lives are
controlled externally — at least the length
and quality of our lives. Has to make
us think, doesn’t it?
© 2015 Steve
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