“The goal in all conflict situations ought to be
reconciliation, not retaliation.”
— Kel Willis, Living
With You, Living With Me
TRUTH is a
powerful biblical principle. We are to worship in the Spirit and in the truth
(John 4:24). God desires truth in our inward being, and we can pray for such wisdom
from a humble heart (Psalm 51:6). We know that the truth, once it is
acknowledged, endures forever (Proverbs 12:19). And a truthful witness saves
lives (Proverbs 14:25). Finally, we are urged to ‘buy’ truth and not to sell it;
not to waste it or not value it (Proverbs 23:23).
Truth is most
important in conflict. Not one person’s truth opposed to the other, but the truth. The truth is some midway
point; points apart from one person’s perspective or the other’s.
In a previous
career my job would often be to analyse incidents. The way I would do this was
to get a room full of people, diverse within the organisation, stakeholders in
the event, and seek truth. My first step would be to write up on a whiteboard
the chronology of what took place by asking those assembled. What always
happened, without fail, was assumptions were checked and only the facts
remained. What also happened as a result was a room full of people left those
meetings agreeing at least on what
took place. This was an astounding result. Community had been enjoyed. And some
relationships of people who hardly knew one another beforehand were steeled in the
dynamics between persons that started at such a meeting as this; for
What made
reconciliation possible in the analysis of incidents, above, was that the
issues were tackled very early — within
hours or days — while it was still fresh in people’s minds, and before the
situation festered. I always made the connection that truth would prevent
further incidents. Nobody wanted more people hurt. The communities assembled
always worked well together when a common goal for goodness could be seen.
When there is no
common goal, anarchy flourishes; the community is rent asunder and there is
division even from within the self.
Retaliation is
always the result when we don’t view conflict as a thing to be negotiated within community; a thing important for the community. Conflict comes about
in community — at least two people are required for conflict — and, so, it
ought to be resolved in community.
One thing our communities need is the ability to mend our
relationships so we can keep trust and respect strong.
If we don’t resolve our conflicts there are parts of us that
die from within us as the caustic corrosiveness of bitterness takes root.
When conflict is embraced in community, conflict actually
increases community, and we see faith grow. Suddenly, it is known by
experience; there is great safety in a community where respectful challenges
are encouraged, accepted and embraced.
A culture where truth is nurtured at the forefront is a
culture of health in community.
© 2015 Steve
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