“You asked,
‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’
It is I — and I was talking about things I knew nothing about,
things far too wonderful for me.
You said, ‘Listen and I will speak!
I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.’
I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
It is I — and I was talking about things I knew nothing about,
things far too wonderful for me.
You said, ‘Listen and I will speak!
I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.’
I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”
— Job 42:3-6 (NLT)
the reality when God finally speaks wisdom and justice into our ailing Job-like
situations. We have whinged and complained about our horrible lot of life,
condemning God for condemning us to the suffering of the season, and we had no
idea, really, what we were saying. God drew back for a while. Our Lord let us let off our steam. He took
the heat. And he didn’t even raise a sweat.
When all the
heat dies down suddenly we do find God is active in righting our ship so far as
our repentance is concerned. Being contrite is only a small portion of turning
about face. Repentance is a grand symphony when contrition was merely a note or
two at the start of the sonata.
God’s works in
the midst of our fallen lives in ways too wonderful for any of us.
Yet we do fault-find
to our situational detriment.
Sitting in dust
and ashes is a necessary time of truthful reflection. If I’m honest about this
day — a normal one, but not without its own share of drama — I find I have
acted in ignorance, questioning the motives of others and God. Yet, who am I?
What do I really know?
It would be better
for me to know I know nothing in the realms of God.
The book of Job
shows us a lot about wisdom and wisdom’s opposite, ignorance.
So often we
think we know what we know, where we are going, what we are up to, and the ‘benefit’
we’re bringing. But time always tells. We might think that experience would be
the best of teachers. Oh how not so! We do not learn easily.
So much of life
is all too wonderful for us to truly comprehend. Taking a peaceful sojourn
through the meandering streams of life is a wiser use of life than shaking our
fist at God.
The Lord knows what he’s up to. He can be
trusted. And especially when we think we’re dubiously led, we could instead
take a reflective reality check.
Whenever we
sincerely doubt God we could also prepare ourselves to repent. Both of these fit
together in a cause-and-effect system. Pride always comes before a fall.
Lord, help me to know,
How much of life I don’t get,
Instead of me deciding to fret,
Help me to
surrender and grow. AMEN.
© 2015 Steve
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