Tuesday, March 17, 2015

100 Days on Jesus’ Sermon Mount (Day 68)

Jesus said, “[Don’t worry about tomorrow] Each day has enough problems of its own.”
— Matthew 6:34b (USC)
Jesus doesn’t say “don’t worry” in the unconditional sense. We are appropriately obedient when we are appropriately concerned. We are diligent to be chastened mentally and emotionally to follow up the matters we are responsible for.
But, most of the time in this life we are given cause to worry for many inappropriate things. Some of these things we have no control over. Others are vanities that we waste our efforts on. Others still are luxuries when we should be spending our time on those things that are worthiest.
Of course, there is a fine line between a worthy anxiety and an unworthy one.
Perhaps we are best advised to reflect over whether the things we worry about align with God’s will. Some he will want us to surrender to him. Others he will want us to forget. And others again he will motivate us to act. Yes, some of our anxieties force us to rethink our actions, like some just make us act. The anxieties that make us freeze, however, are the ones we need healing for; the action of delivery.
So action is a good strategy for anxiety, and sometimes rest or being still is the perfect action to take.
This is the Day the Lord has made; be glad and rejoice in it!
Yet, each day is a problem in itself, or is enough for any of us to cope with.
Has not every day got twenty-four hours in it? Have not those hours each got sixty whole minutes. With 1,440 minutes in every day — many of those sleeping minutes (hopefully, if we are healthy) — don’t we just have too much to be comfortable managing yet too little to feel confident regarding our management of it?
Aren’t the days of our lives — each separate one — too dynamic for us to grasp. This is not about depressing us. It’s about highlighting our need of faith in God.
If we save much of our effort for the actual day we are in — the perfect present — we save our energies for where they are most effective.
Today is where we can be most ourselves, if we can manage to stay present.
Today is when we can make the biggest difference in our relationships: right now.
Today is the day not to wish away, no matter how much you loath it.
Tomorrow is not here, and yesterday’s all clear.
So be today’s best you, and God will hold you true.
1.     How significant is the day to you? Are there many days that you wish away?
2.     What difference does planning make upon your experience of the day? Does planning your day ahead help you focus your mind on the present?
© 2015 S. J. Wickham.
Note: USC version is Under the Southern Cross, The New Testament in Australian English (2014). This translation was painstakingly developed by Dr. Richard Moore, a NT Greek scholar, over nearly thirty years.

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