Monday, December 1, 2014

On the Road Again Following God’s Great Calling

Sometimes He calls for a long time,
Sometimes only for a season,
It really doesn’t matter,
So long as He is always our reason.
Leaving one church home in search for another has some added tinge-of-anxiousness for a pastor – so vital is it that they fit that they must ensure they fit. We know we fit in a new context. The biggest ‘box’ is ticked. The ministry role we hope to inhabit for years into the future is loaded with promise and expectation for complementing the existing team in support of the church’s Leadership; it’s the Lord’s will that we seek.
We leave one church having learned so much. Called for a season, we did what we felt God had soon after we started called us to. Ours was a standard ministry within a hybrid ministry – a ministry for Jesus for sporting types. This church we’ve served in was every envy of most a minister. As we leave, we leave that behind. There are no regrets. We were being called away seven months ago, but really made the decision four months ago. We leave with fondness in our hearts for all the folk there. God has loomed large in the recent days; compelling us to finish well. We will.
Moving into the future, we move into a context where team ministry is exemplified. A husband and wife team we can observe and learn from – the complementing of their gifting and the use of them through their complementary personalities; this we wish to immerse ourselves in and study. We, perhaps, one day, will be that husband/wife senior pastor team, and we are in no rush for it. All in God’s good and perfect will and timing.
Working with young people is inspiring. Ready for a challenge, yet hungering for encouragement, what a blessed group to work with; the youth and young adults. Being safe and being real; these are qualities I wish to bring to my working relationships. Being with youth means God is living and active in my heart for the things that are close to his. What adventures lay in store!
The geographical area we move to we are very fond of. It goes back into my wife’s historical roots; she worked and lived in this locality for nearly a decade. We are so blessed to be able to join the work already underway in this community; to evoke a wonder for Christ’s message of hope from household to household, assisting the Spirit of God in gently restoring peace, love and joy to homes and neighbourhoods in need.
We love being used by God. We love this life. Even in midst of our recent loss – as we juxtapose our sorrow – we see God’s plan for our lives coming to bear fruit.
We will work in and for his way. It’s joy-inducing-and-producing work.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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