Tuesday, October 28, 2014

15 Descriptions of What Faith Is

1.      Faith is the way we please God. But Jesus has already done everything to make us acceptable to God. Faith meets with God’s grace. Faith is humanity’s response to the grace of the Father to save us in Jesus’ name.
2.      Faith is arriving at confidence when in fear because of courage. It makes a paradox of means transporting us to an end beyond our own making, devoid of God.
3.      Faith finds a purpose in waiting despite the anguish of waiting.
4.      Faith presents the opportunity for growth. Only when we are pushed out of our comfort zones, responding in humility, will God enter into bidding for us, to grow and mature us.
5.      Faith is an idea that instils hope.
6.      Faith is greatest when we step forward at a time when hope is least. And that is hope! The more hopeless our situations, the more legs of faith required, and the more we will prove victorious by a vacuous hope.
7.      Faith is ammunition for the weapon of righteousness. Fired with accuracy, it produces enduring faithfulness. The righteous are credited because of their faith.
8.      Faith won’t fail the person convicted to trust. Trust won’t be disappointed if it continues to hold onto a good vision. Even if the vision doesn’t transpire God will shift the emphases at the right time.
9.      Faith holds to a value esteemed by God. It considers what God values, and with no correspondence entered into, it does what the Lord requires.
10. Faith sees the mountain, the sea, the valley, and it continues to step knowing God is with us.
11. Faith grasps what is untenable and plain scary and it grapples bravely even though it feels like it flounders.
12. Faith doesn’t give up, though despair encroaches. When fear overtakes our consciousness, faith is that idea that steadies the gait, despite the harrowing reality of what is seen.
13. Faith paints a viable picture of hope even if a past sense for hope vanquishes present optimism.
14. Faith delivers a hungry soul to the lions; but those big cats don’t stand a chance. Even if the person with faith perishes their spirit is God’s eternally. And that’s all that matters.
15. Faith wants the best for all occasions. It holds out for the apex of outcomes. Be sure when you are unhindered by your reality that you have arrived at the lasting form of faith.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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