Sunday, May 25, 2014

Galatians 2 – Submitting Only In the Spirit

“... we did not submit to [the false brothers] even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might always remain with you.”
— Galatians 2:5 (NRSV)
Paul and his Gospel message – the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ – is a life preserver for the weary. Paul was a fighter for one reason and one reason only; he was the defender of the faith. He wasn’t one to be swayed by a man’s repute; to be under any false allusion about the other apostles – or any individual apostle for that matter – was to miss the point. Paul was purposed to preach Christ and him crucified.
Paul’s dedication to God and to not be swayed by man’s repute was demonstrated in his confrontation with Peter in Galatians 2:11-14. As if he had something to prove!
Not that Paul had any lack of respect for acknowledged church leaders – the apostles, for instance. Partiality was not his call; to preach Christ was. Paul was liberated from the divisive need to choose allegiance. The only allegiance Paul had was to the Gospel.
The Gospel saves; partiality condemns. To call on the favour of men is to negate the acquisition of God’s power via the Holy Spirit. Favour saves none; only the grace of God saves.
Protector of Fear or Protector of Truth?
We, like Paul, have a choice – to be defenders of fear (by engaging in partiality because we are fearful of men) or to be defenders of the truth.
To be a defender is to be a protector. By defending against partiality, the truth is protected.
As it was with Paul, so it is with us. We will find ourselves under attack at some point or other. The difference is we aren’t specifically defending the Gospel itself, just the manner of the Gospel life.
When we retain dignity – everyone’s – theirs and ours – we are defending against partiality, and the truth is protected.
What are we if we allow those free reign that bend things to their own effect? But the essence of what we are talking about is distilled to this:
“In essentials unity;
In non-essentials liberty;
In all things charity.”
— Rupert Meldenius
All this simply means is the Gospel – Christ crucified and risen, and for us to believe, by faith, having been saved by grace – is essential. On this we are to be unified. Where there are particular nuances these nuances are acceptable as they please parties to those nuances. Acceptance is our role. Over all things is love (charity). Over all our communication is love.
The Gospel saves; partiality condemns. To call on the favour of men is to negate the acquisition of God’s power via the Holy Spirit. Favour saves none; only the grace of God saves.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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