Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Step In Time With the Holy Spirit

Step in time with the Spirit
Live by his very power
Living each day
Reconciling every hour.
Step in time with the Spirit
Gathering pace as you walk
Learn by good example
Exactly how to talk.
Step in time with the Spirit
Allow him to anoint
Every move you make
Obey him who does appoint.
Step in time with the Spirit
At times waiting for him to come
For everything without him
Is incomplete in sum.
Step in time with the Spirit
As God begins his work in you
And even as his Spirit continues
To in that hold you true.
Step in time with the Spirit
Knowing he is your power source
Experiencing his dynamism
This ever loving force.
Step in time with the Spirit
Don’t let your flesh drag you down
Enduring the spiritual battle
Having a smile and not a frown
Step in time with the Spirit
Don’t turn to things of desire
Don’t let the enemy
Smother your spiritual fire.
Step in time with the Spirit
Retain the essence of sobriety
For in this way the Spirit will
Protect your integral propriety.
Step in time with the Spirit
Jettisoning every vainglory
Believing in his power
As he invests in your story.
Step in time with the Spirit
In ways to enjoy the fruit
So more and more and more
Christ becomes your dear root.
Step in time with the Spirit
Know his refining grace
Moving as he leads
Running only your very race.
Step in time with the Spirit
So patience and kindness are yours
So when the testing inevitably comes
You are able to open those doors.
Step in time with the Spirit
March in time with unity
For the defining sign of life
Is the prosperity of community.
Step in time with the Spirit
Relate with the offensive
Don’t pridefully reject them
By becoming stubbornly defensive.
Step in time with the Spirit
Resist the want to compete
Reject the envying spirit
There’s no glory in that to repeat.
Step in time with the Spirit
Put off your superior conceit
For if you don’t do this
You’re in line for a commanding defeat.
Step in time with the Spirit
Restore the broken vessel
Promote the Spirit’s work
So in them the Spirit can nestle.
Step in time with the Spirit
Carry the burdens to relief
For in this beautiful way
We will most certainly nurture belief.
Step in time with the Spirit
Settle the onerous demand
And by realistic expectations
We obey God’s command.
Step in time with the Spirit
Notice the moment’s very need
Believe that God provides
And will give us to sow his seed.
Step in time with the Spirit
Look up to heaven alone
Take your counsel from him
And by him your good deeds are sown.
Step in time with the Spirit
Be others’ experience of the Lord
For everyone who doubts
May see him in us who’s adored.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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