eternal law of righteousness ordains that he who will not submit to God’s sweet
rule shall suffer the bitter tyranny of self. But he who wears the easy yoke
and light burden of love (Matt. 11:30) will escape the intolerable weight of
his own self-will.”
― Bernard of Clairvaux
RAIL against God we do all our lives, until the time comes when
our resistance is melted and we are broken to the point of being open to divine
control for the very first time. Perhaps we were brought up in a Christian home,
and, because of our default compliance or a reasonable rebellion, we can’t
quite understand what all the seditious fuss is about. Some truly need to
resist God all the way until the circumstances of a life spent running one’s
own agenda proves its own tyranny.
Then, for a moment, we take what Christ says in the gospels
seriously – notably Matthew 11:28-30 – and we believe enough to give him a try.
As if we think God owes us something, we try him on.
But this is not how salvation often works. Salvation is usually
a torrent. It sweeps us off our feet. Then we realise, as if we needed God to
truly drive the agenda, that when God is in control we are happiest, lightest,
contented, and never more truthfully free.
There’s suddenly no more effort to be expended. Not that life is
suddenly wistful and burden-free. On the contrary; we may take those hardships
and forge a covenant of peace because we accept our reality. After all, we are
now a friend of God’s with unspeakable eternal and spiritual benefits.
I recall going to AA meetings where one of the guys there would
say, “Just give this program your all for three months... God will confirm to
you its value!” I knew what he meant; if anyone gives their all to God for any
length of time, they can’t help but be blessed.
At the end of the day, whether God sweeps us off our feet or
not, we have to make a decision. Making a decision is a thing none of us gets
away with.
God is making an overture for your heart, today, but our Lord
won’t force his way in. We must serenely and supremely give our ways and wills over
to his.
There is a weight that hangs over all humankind because of a human
will gone crazy. When we have given up the rights to ourselves, we are
astounded how close we came to be in spiritual oblivion. At the end of
ourselves is the beginning of God.
2014 S. J. Wickham.
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