Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gazing Upon the Splendour of the Cross

How’s the story to start? How are we to be renewed? How do we play our part? God’s every hope in us starts, when Jesus’ salvation is imbued.
This salvation of old is the answer to all our problems of significance.
In struggle you’ll endure,
If you lean on Christ – His Grace,
If you truly bend your heart,
Jesus helps when we seek His face.
At the cross I bend my knee,
It’s where the Grace in Christ is felt,
Suddenly He makes me to see,
The card His sacrifice dealt.
Notice those nail marks,
And that thorny crown adorned,
Suddenly in our minds it sparks,
Everyone Christ has mourned.
In you and me He’s done,
What only God could do,
The Father sent His Son,
To redeem us and make us new.
By this Saviour’s blood,
His broken body hung up,
All to deal with our mud,
To cleanse all who are corrupt.
We have no hope without,
This Blessed Hope from above,
Whenever we get beyond doubt,
His Spirit pours into us His love.
Cherished demise was enshrined,
In God’s creation plan,
From well before there was time,
God planned to become a man.
Think now of that love,
Go to faith beyond stumbling block,
To thoughts of things from above,
And every doubt He’ll knock.
Now to think of what He took,
The divine purpose of what was inflicted,
When we take the time to look,
No longer should we be conflicted.
God did it once,
For everyone to know,
Christ died then for our sins,
In order that we might grow.
There’s only one way out of the mess,
That many of our lives became,
In one movement we came to address,
A life that was comprehensively lame.
God revealed a broken life,
So you and I would agree,
We cannot get out of strife,
Until it is Jesus we finally see.
So, after all this, we might see also know...
In struggle you’ll endure,
If you lean on Christ – His Grace,
If you truly bend your heart,
Jesus helps when we seek His face.
Truly, we owe God everything. Not only for life and our lives, but we owe God everything for every portion of Grace His life poured out on the cross, that makes our lives anything close to worthy. We are everything with Him and nothing without Him. God is great in every way.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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