Saturday, April 13, 2013

Help Me, LORD, Bring Me Back To You

Take me away, Lord, back to you,
For only in you is worship due,
Or I’ll lose perspective on this earth,
My only hope is by a Saviour’s rebirth.
Take me away, Lord, back to your Son,
Back to whom my soul’s ever won,
Because I know in Jesus I’m safe to be,
Everything you’ve desired; loved and free.
Take me away, Lord, back to know,
When I’m back in you, in you I grow,
Because comparisons aside beggar belief,
Jettison those because you’re my relief!
Take me away, Lord, back to your Presence,
For only in you is there bliss-filled benevolence,
Remind me afresh how you long to see,
For me to respond to make me free.
Take me away, Lord, back so I reckon,
Back to the truth that you eternally beckon,
Remind me afresh how sin you’ve abated,
And made me at truth, powerfully liberated.
Help me, Lord, to obey your Spirit,
The Person of God who helps me each minute,
Your Spirit of glory brings me blessing; it’s true,
For things of glory are all only in you.
Rejecting the World
There may be a limit as to how much we can reject the world—for we do have to live here—and God has decreed that we live—but we are blessed all the more to discern the things of God in the world from the things of the evil one. Emptiness is one of these latter things.
Recently, I just had that sense, once again, that I was empty.
Feeling empty is the calling card of the evil one; for the fullness of glory is otherwise known to a saved person like me and anyone saved.
So, whilst I battled to get on top of all the housework to be done, and after I finished all the calls I had to make, and attended to prayer requests, etc, I felt the firm Presence of God within, reminding me to come back to him. Nothing in this world—no concern nor workload nor distraction—can rival the fullness of God who fills us afresh, when we seek him.
Take me away, Lord, back to you...
Emptiness is the calling card of the adversary of God. In God there is fullness, always, in spite of our circumstances. At our depths we are blessed in only one action; to call forth to the Lord: Take me away, Lord, back to you... for only in you is life ever true!
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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