Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Freeing Nature of Grace

Grace is space,
To enjoy life’s race,
That we humankind
Call existence.
Grace is space,
Which sets the pace,
Divine patience
Beyond resistance.
Grace was bought for us by the Princely sum of Christ’s death on the cross of Calvary. It’s not, nor could ever be, a thing that’s cheapened by the methods humanity can initiate, engineer or master. No, such a Divine thing as grace we can enjoy by plain acceptance, or take no part in.
Without grace, existing here in this broken world would be hellish, meaningless and contemptible. With grace, life makes sense, is enjoyable, even inspirational.
Without grace, existence is a conundrum. With grace, existence is a mystery evoking wonder and the awe of God.
Without grace, there’s no motive to love and plenty to fear. With grace, we outdo each other in the gifts we bestow.
Without grace, we are troubled by gifts—fearful for what we are to give back, for we dare not ‘owe’. With grace we are thankful for the gift, that’s all.
Examples of Grace in the Golden Flow of Life
The following might be examples of grace:
þ     When someone gives us more time or money or other resources than we either need or expect.
þ     Whenever we rise instinctually above fear, in the moment, to claim ground for another person as a gift; when we see the goodness in their intent rather than being fearful for being outdone.
þ     Whenever we are infused with love so pervasive as to fall headlong in the giving, we enjoy the abundance of God’s living space—spiritual bliss.
þ     When we continue greeting someone with genuine kindness when they continue not to return the compliment.
We experience freedom in grace whenever we give or receive in a heart-state close to God.
Grace is always about redemption—it’s space to redeem broken moments, situations, and histories.
Grace creates space; freedom for favour.
The Heavenly Dichotomy of Grace
There’s possibly nothing so diametrically opposed than two divergent facts of grace: 1) the Divine cost and 2) the human benefit.
Jesus’ death means life for each of us who are saved in his name; a penitently redemptive salvation—the only kind.
God gave all he had so we could get all we could; all that truly matters.
Grace is the ticket to ride into eternal life, for those who partake. I’m referring specifically to eternal life, here and now; the blessings of wisdom and discernment, peace and joy, and the motives for love and life right now.
Only grace ushers that space for freedom through our spirits.
With grace, God gave all so, in Jesus’ name, we could enjoy all that is truly important to God—space for life, abundant.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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