Saturday, January 12, 2013

Living Accounts of Unmerited Joy

The Lord Jesus says,
“I have said these things to you [to abide by my commandments] so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.”
— John 15:11 (NRSV)
Within these red letters is the reception of grace—living accounts of unmerited joy. When we are connected into the true vine, being branches of obedience unto the Lord, we do truly attach ourselves to grace—enabling the experience of living accounts of unmerited joy.
There cannot be a better vision for living than living accounts of unmerited joy.
This is a joy—because of grace, that is favour undeserved—that is truly unwarranted, but is given to us as a free gift to partake in when we obey the Spirit of God as he ushers his will into our minds and we accept it in our hearts.
This joy is the basis of the most innate surrender. Real surrender is hardly a surrender at all because we want to surrender. We understand that to surrender to God’s will is blessing—it becomes our will (John 15:7)—and, therefore, joy is ours to know in advance, in reflection, and in the beauty of hindsight that we are on the right track.
These living accounts of unmerited joy God has predestined for each of us—those born to humanity. Agreeing with grace is surely not a hard thing to do. We can only win. We can only be blessed. It is ridiculous to refuse this gift.
As Jesus is perfect, and his joy is perfect, so too is the perfection of joy to be manifest through us, even in ways we cannot understand, but are just thankful for.
Joy redeems thankfulness and every living way for gratitude. Suddenly with joy we have new sight; God sight. And our faith grows as a result. Joy, of course, is sponsored by hope, and with hope we can achieve anything that the Lord wills us to do.
What more need we say about this blessing that is being poured over us as an anointing? There is so much more that could be said.
But such a joy as Jesus’ joy need only be experienced.
We do not deserve this joy but we are thankful for it. That God stooped down in his perfection, and chose to give us something of himself—his radiant joy—as something to behold eternally.
As Jesus is perfect, and his joy is perfect, so too is the perfection of joy to be manifest through us, even in ways we cannot understand, but are just thankful for. Grace is the reason for joy.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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