“On entering the house, the wise
men saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage.
Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.”
— Matthew 2:11 (NRSV)
There are many
spiritually vacuous stories that emerge from the Nativity Scene. If we would
enter into this story of God coming in human flesh genuinely we would
appreciate all the more with amazement the Christmas story.
One such fragment
that we can unpick from the garment that is the Christmas story, so we can
further observe it, is the offering of gifts for the coming of Israel’s Great
High Priest, Prophet of the Only Salvation, and King of Kings (of the Jews,
first, before all the Gentiles, later).
Let’s look at
these gifts the wise men brought and their connection with Jesus as Priest,
Prophet, and King.
Frankincense – A Gift
Given to a Priest
According to Jewish
tradition, frankincense was commonly used as a gift for priests (see Isaiah
60:6). The priest was the bridge builder between the people and their God. When
Jesus received frankincense from the Magi they were recognising his divine
standing, even as a small child.
The gift of
frankincense, which is given to a Priest, and in Jesus’ case as the Great High
Priest to come, was the affirmation of faith that the Magi recognised Jesus for
who he was in their midst.
Myrrh – A Gift Given
to One Who is to Die
As a gift given
for those expected to die imminently, or given to those expected to prepare a
dead body for burial, myrrh might have seemed a little out of place as it was
given to the child, Jesus.
But Jesus came born to
die. Jesus was born
as our Prophet of the Only Salvation—by sacrifice and that Atonement.
Gold – A Gift Given to
a King
As a gift given
to a King, Jesus was recognised as royalty even as a child.
We don’t tend to
have many problems considering Jesus our priest—one who can make atonement for
our sin—or of considering Jesus our prophet of salvation.
We are far less
inclined, however, to place Jesus as the King over our lives. True disciples carry their
crosses—their Jesus-given crosses. Do we truly offer our ‘gold’ to Jesus?
Jesus is humankind’s Great High
Priest, Prophet of the Only Salvation, and King of Kings over all creation. The
gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold were the Magi’s designation of Jesus’
anointing as Israel’s
(and the world’s) Messiah.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Special Acknowledgement: to Anthony Palmieri, Senior Pastor, Lakeside
Baptist Church,
Perth, Western
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