Monday, May 21, 2012

Visions of Harmonious Revival

An encouraging snippet of a prophetic vision for the ingathering of the dispersed Remnant from Isaiah, where the Lord says:
“I will appoint Peace as your overseer
and Righteousness as your taskmaster.”
~Isaiah 60:17e-f (NRSV)
Harmony comes in many forms. Many visions and metaphors within latter Isaiah major on national harmonisation under the Lord.
Just as much the themes of harmonisation prevail upon any relational forum—international and regional relations, nationhood, denominations, churches, leadership teams, marriages, and even in the intrapersonal sphere.
Peace and righteousness are harmonisation’s engineers.
Peace and righteousness are the deft creators of harmony’s finery.
Peace and righteousness are chisels in the hands of God.
Personal And Interpersonal Visions Of Harmony
We naturally hunger for harmony within our relationships and within our beings. We cannot quite stand disharmony, discord, and dissonance of many kinds. Yet, paradoxically, we get great range from life when we procure a sense of resilience to bear well despite disharmony, discord, and dissonance of many kinds.
But still, we wish to land with harmony. We believe in visions of harmony, and how we might be revived within them. We have to believe, for, in them, is the light of hope.
Visions of immediate harmony that well within us and extend into the reaches of our relationships are a joy to behold. These visions cannot be realised, however, without the sponsorship of God’s peace and righteousness.
Local And Global Visions Of Harmony
It’s easy for us to get weighed down in our personal interest and forget about God’s more global plan for revival. Believers that fall for this ignore a clear biblical mandate. The agenda of God is just as much focused on local and global issues as it is on personal and interpersonal issues.
We ought to fight the propensity to be turned off by more missional initiatives. Compassion must become us.
The ambivalent antipathy of those less interested in global concerns is an abomination to the Lord. There’s so much of God to get on board with regarding our world. When we open our eyes, and search our hearts for true vision, there’s so much division and suffering in the world. We live in a world screams out for harmonisation.
Harmony makes for joy, as the safety in fortunes of revival comes into view. Such visions comprise life. They are what we hope and dream of. And these fuel our faith. It is for love that we live. Harmony within our relationships—there is life.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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