Monday, May 14, 2012

Drinking from the Well of Never-Ending Compassion

Everyone needs compassion, and, as the song goes, the kindness of a Saviour. What is ever-abundant is ever-available; a spring of living water from the well of never-ending compassion, in Jesus’ words:
“The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.”
~John 4:14b (NRSV)
When we drink from the well of never-ending compassion, the effect within us, as we feel, is remarkable. Suddenly, we come to understand that this sense of God helping us by compassion is the seal of eternal life in our mortal beings.
Our Place Away From The Ravaging World
God is the Spirit we come to when we feel defeated, misjudged, confused and upset. When the entire world feels against us we can climb into the well and drink salaciously.
By practicality we find a quiet spot, and a time private enough to be ourselves before God.
When nobody understands, God does. When nobody cares, God does. When nobody believes in us, God does. The Lord is never-ending compassion.
Our place away from the ravaging world is in the lap of the Lord. Our place when we have no place is in the heart of God, which is beyond a physical place because it encompasses all places. The Lord’s compassion is everywhere. But it may seem difficult to find.
The place of safety is with God, and there are thousands of known manifestations of that safety. As we look with fresh eyes we find release. As we open our minds to thought of hope, and our hearts to feel it, hope, like that living water, comes gushing into our lives, even if by a gradual trickle at first, to well up unto eternal life.
Drinking Freely And Frequently
The Lord will not limit our access to, or the amount of, this Spiritual living water availed to us. We can drink freely and frequently. But we are the ones who initiate.
God cannot do the drinking for us. We must have the desire to experience eternal life—a ‘now’ concept. Nothing will the Lord deprive us of. But it must be us that choose. We are the ones that need to want to venture on in our relationship with the Lord.
And the well is deep; deeper than we could ever imagine, and the more we drink from it the more we release ourselves from the bondage and trappings of this earthly life.
When nobody understands, God does. When nobody cares, God does. When nobody believes in us, God does. The Lord is never-ending compassion. Drink from the well of living water gushing up to eternal life.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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