Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Psalm 106 – God Hears Cries for Help

“Nevertheless he regarded their distress when he heard their cry,
for their sake he remembered his covenant,
and showed compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love.”
~Psalm 106:44-45 (NRSV)
A great biblical encouragement is found in this Psalm. No matter what has occurred in the past, despite our sin, whenever we repent the Lord will turn to us in favour in some way. Most of the foregoing verses (1-39) chronicle the vastness of Israel’s sin and God’s covenant faithfulness. There is One, alone, we can always trust.
Such repentance is about owning the actual truth—no more no less. We ask the Spirit of God to reveal to us our sin. And we ask for courage to not shrink from the truth of it.
The entire Psalm is a prayer of repentance, encapsulated neatly in the plea at verse 47—“Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the nations...”
When we turn back to God in our distress, the Lord will hear our cries for help, and deliverance will come. Often that is peace for our perseverance.
To God we draw near,
When calamities swarm,
To allow Him to steer,
Us through the storm.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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