Friday, December 23, 2011

Carried By God’s Constant Grace

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep... So there will be one flock, one shepherd.”

~John 10:11, 16c (NRSV)

An ever-present message that booms silently from the heavens is the faithfulness of God to walk with us, upon every step, through the mire and ecstasy, until this very day, and beyond.

The Lord—this Jesus, infused as the Holy Spirit—never leaves us nor forsakes us, no, not ever.

The blessing of Christianity is in a constant knowledge, whenever we need it, and that is often, even many times daily, which is nothing to be ashamed of: Jesus, the Good Shepherd, put down his life for the sheep in his fold—every created one; made in the image of God.

The Ever-Present Hope

The saving grace of God known once is known ever more.

The key to the once-for-all process of salvation is the transference of the eternal seed which is the thought-concept that enters the psyche and burrows from the mind, drilling into the heart, for the redemption of spiritual freedom: to know we are not alone, never have been, and never will be.

Besides the false bravado in some to negate need of such security, it is thrust into the DNA of all humanity, and only denial denies it; the need of it.

The ever-present Hope, woven into the fabric of eternity, predestined before Jesus, is a thing carrying all humankind, to the last person—the very last sheep of the fold—ever more in, and to, safety.

The Shepherd – Good, Eternally, for the Rescue

The Good Shepherd has about his nature the indwelt concern for every living being, to their most minute need.

And though we don’t discern such a presence, most often, the love of the Good Shepherd is such to not desire to be an intrusion upon us; but for our faith, alone, to know the gentle whisper of heavenly reassurance—God is here.

Once we were rescued, but not only once.

Of the many near-misses where we were kept safe, and the times we lost all hope but still kept on, and so many other times; God was there. We cannot explain why we were saved and others were not, apart from faith—but that, too, is not the final or full answer. Life remains a mystery.

But our Good Shepherd is good for our rescue; eternally so; not simply at one time, but at, and for, all times.

We have been carried by the Good Shepherd from then until now, and so it will be ever more.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Acknowledgement: The Matt Redman song, Never Once.

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