Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Love Sincere

“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good...”

~Romans 12:9 (NRSV).

The sub-heading of Romans 12:9 and following introduces us to love that is based unabashedly in truth. It is not hypocritical.

Love is hence the driving premise of life — a thing surrendering all ego for a God-pleasing result. Love and truth are at once entwined, but truth against the self, so love can be victor for the other. For the other, this power of God is innately compelling.

The love sincere is aligned in the holy triad of equity, justice and fairness. It doesn’t see existence as a thing to be grasped. It’s eternally safe, coercing nothing.

This love sincere can be trusted and it’s certainly respected. It’s patently inspiring.

As far as we’re personally concerned, we hate what is evil within ourselves, but never to the point of condemnation — we instead flush it out, virulently, with “what is good.”

Let only the good — the love sincere — co-exist within, so love’s beauty is the thing that all people see from without us.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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