Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brought to Repentance for a Purpose – To Overcome

“Bear fruit worthy of repentance.”

~Matthew 3:8 (NRSV).

When spiritual attack is veiled as something else—the compulsion of the Spirit to communicate life and death—there is just enough energy to rise above the whimper to again drink from the questing chalice. And then there is instant relief and strength again.

To return (to repent) is to overcome. It’s to live again (or for the first time) the will of God in that component of life.

As a person is resistant to God’s will they’re also resistant to the healing scourge of the Almighty. They cannot be helped until they agree. God cannot change Divine rules at the whim of one person. Love cannot allow it.

How do you feel? Overcome by attack?

Overcome it by repenting of what it is you’re refusing to be called into. Only you can know the truth of it.

Do this and at once healing is to take place and power will again be known.

© 2011 S. J. Wickham.

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