Songs, like poetry, are often meaningful, yet so many are difficult to fathom. The Climb by Miley Cyrus, is not so difficult to fathom, and is blessed in the beauty of its simplistic yet powerful life message.
Mountains are analogous for all sorts of theological, philosophical and practical lessons. Jesus himself uses the imagery of mountains more than once as portrayed in the gospels. In The Climb, the mountain is a life challenge or task or relationship that stands before us.
The temptation we have on occasion in life is we seek the next mountain without truly enjoying the present one.
Yet, the best of life is about the present climb, not the next one, or the one after; though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with looking forward to things--I mean, there’s the foundation of hope, right there!
Staying focused, however, on the present mountain means there’s more energy and focus available to climb even other mountains simultaneously, concurrently. This is to the rising of our capacity to meet our life call, because life is often not linear--we are at times required to do several things at the same time; how are we meant to do them all, and do them well? We enjoy them--each climb--that’s how.
Meeting our many various life calls--be they family, work or other--consistently and well is often difficult but enjoying each climb is the key.
Remember the scene in Bruce Almighty (2003) where Bruce (Jim Carrey) cannot keep up with the prayer requests, as his work as God (between 51st and Main!) starts to really increase? We feel this work pressure at times too. In trusting God to be entirely faithful in giving us extra energy, capacity and enthusiasm, so as to stretch to meet demands, we also reap the present.
And it’s only when we’re looking too far ahead at the next climbs that we lose sight of the present moment and the possible joy to be captured, right now. It’s not about how fast we get there; and it’s certainly not about what’s on the other side. It’s the climb itself that’s the key to happiness and success, and positive, inspired interactions with people.
And the BEST thing about all of this ‘present awareness’ propaganda is the grown experience of it. The more we do, the longer we train ourselves into it, appreciating the minutes and seconds that are present with us, the more God pours in! This is just another way he fills us to brimming (and over) in his abundance.
For us, the climb makes life an inspiration not a loathed chore which robs us of our joy. Of course, there’re also times when we’ll struggle for joy whatever we do; a humble acceptance of the plain facts in these situations is all we hope to achieve. As they say, ‘such is life.’
Don’t underestimate the power of the message in this song, The Climb. Listen and take on board its pungent yet soothing truth. Keep the faith.
Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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