Being a recent convert to Facebook, it’s astoundingly obvious to note our relationships are a most precious commodity. They’re the absolute zenith of life. Where would we be without our loved ones, family and dear friends, and all those from our past who simply remind us of who we are? Life would be very shallow without our relationships.
But one thing I think we all struggle with is managing and sustaining our relationships. We wander off track from time to time and don’t put in the time and effort required. This goes also for our relationship with God.
It’s almost as if we need an Emergency (early) Warning Intercommunication System (EWIS) like tall buildings and industrial sites have, one that helps us predict when our relationships are going a little out of kilter, and sends a friendly alarm. But, how would this work?
There needs to be a trigger... a regular event triggering thought in this area.
It must take time. It must also take some regular thought and reflection. And I think that it must also take some vision and purpose to plan for the present and future by being intentional around investing meaningfully in our key relationships.
Being an ‘early warning’ system might also mean giving people ongoing permission to give us feedback on how we’re going with them. But, to enter into true, authentic relationships like this takes courage--it involves risk. We risk getting hurt. Others risk offending us. We have to share ourselves and that can leave us uncomfortable, even scared. That takes faith, trust.
Life is not a dress rehearsal; it’s lived in real time and our words and our actions will echo in eternity--to coin a few clichés together. But, it’s true.
When push comes to shove we need to get our key relationships right as best we can, and the rest should look after itself.
Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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