Friday, October 24, 2008

World Financial Crisis – What It’s Telling You

As we look around us, in this present hour, we see people about us whom we’d normally expect to provide leadership at the highest (financial) level crumbling at the sight of circumstances bringing the Westernised market-economy society to its knees. It almost does not appear real and the universal impacts certainly do not bear thinking about. What has brought us to the brink of a worldwide recession? Violent swings in both directions on the money markets over the past few weeks have left us in turmoil and uncertainty sweeps the globe.

What does it mean for us? We inevitably face this question, thinking of the personal, familial and community impact of such times; most often we think in terms of unemployment which is set rise markedly, investments which may be threatened, inflation skyrocketing, or suicide rates climbing due to lower premiums on life during these quite frantic times. There is an unfortunate “human” problem approaching. Our safety and security is under threat.

I heard an analyst say that part of the problem was “opportunism based on either greed or fear” and was much to blame for our uncertain, rocky markets. I thought from a spiritual context this is saying something of the times that we should stand up and listen to. Certainly world leaders are responding, but will their response be effective enough?

There is a biblical rationale here; one little verse of Pauline Scripture that highlights the awful human plight of self-sin... the base reason for the present predicament is the short-sighted greed of humanity. Instead, we are implored at this present moment to align with the following text:

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” –Philippians 4:5 NIV. Another version has it, “Let all men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit). The Lord is near [He is coming soon].” (Amplified)

The word translated “gentleness” (epieikes) “signifies a humble, patient stedfastness (sic), which is able to submit to injustice, disgrace, and maltreatment without hatred and malice, trusting God in spite of all of it.”[1] It is “a certain kind of willed, self-effacing [or modest] kindness.”[2] This quality is missing in today’s turmoil; it is at least barely visible and must be restored.

We’re supposedly driven to epieikes because the frightening thing is ‘God is near.’ His judgment on all us awaits (based on the selfishness of the few) and it does not look pretty. Despite this fact of God’s proximity, we’ve (humankind I mean) stepped away from the spiritual ideal toward greed; the greed of a few has brought many to judgment.

Certainly world leaders must restore this epieikes (i.e. gentleness, forbearance, selflessness) to society; to markets, to whole communities. Trust must be restored that every person is not out there for themselves and that there are broader human objectives at stake. Risks are not to be taken in the name of greed, but in the name of salvific action, courageously sacrificing now for a better tomorrow.

There is a lot more at stake here than money markets; the future of Western civilisation is dependent on it. This situation calls for strong leadership and a coordinated, highly accountable international response of universal cooperation akin to the outpouring of love we saw during the aftermath of the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami. We must be taken beyond our typical human condition, setting aside pathetic, transitory personal agendas for the greater good. This must start with me and you. We must be prepared and willing to accept some collective short term pain to get out of this mess.

Copyright © 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] Fritz Rienecker (orig.) & Cleon Rogers (trans.), Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1976), p. 560.
[2] Don A. Carson, Basics for Believers, (Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 1995, 2004), p. 109.

1 comment:

  1. AIG debacle has been in the works for a while.
    Imagine you're praying over being ripped-off by an insurance company. Imagine that you have a unique gift so that God's voice often sounds audible to you, such that you can write down stuff that you hear word for word. How strange would it sound to be interrupted during your prayer to have God rant about how insurance companies are going to fail and the bigger they are the harder they will fall? Imagine again, that all of this happens years before anyone has heard of the looming financial crisis that is unfolding before our eyes. Well, as amazing as that all sounds it happened to a friend of mine, Timothy, on May 18, 2005 and it is published for anyone who is interested:

    "The Giants of This World Will Fall...Stand Not in Their Shadow / Timothy, be wary of things of dishonesty and greed in nature of those in whom you have dealt. Those in whom you have dealt, greed is at the heart of that which they do. Nowhere is help or compassion found.You are a number, a mere sign of your dollar. They will fall and come to nothing. ... If I come and remove and destroy all things, which are and lead My people into vanity, what is left?...Your life and your free will to choose, to save it or lose it. Blessed are those, who lose their life in this world for My sake...they have their reward. Woe to those, who lose themselves in this world to keep their life...they are lost. Therefore, out of love, I will remove all obstacles from their path, so they may see Me clearly and run to Me, for I wait with arms open.
    All must crumble, all must be shaken.
    All must be removed, all foundations broken, all must be moved from their places.
    All will be done as it is written, all will be divided.
    All will stand naked before their Creator so they may choose...
    choose life and love, My people!"

    Timothy did not know what to think of this at the time, but recent news has shed light on what he was told back then.

    More recently, this letter has a few more details of the collapse:

    Ripening for the harvest,


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